We’re All the Precariat Now, Mate #507 (Acrylic on Gail’s bag, 81.3 x 53cm)
Don’t Smile at Me, You Tax-Evading Fuckers (Acrylic on Amazon box, 144 x 51.8cm) from the series 'Domestic Détournement'. Click for more info on this subject.

Noise Cancelling Consumerism (Wool on Bose bag, 48.5 x 64.5cm)

Noise Cancelling Consumerism

Middle-class & Smug I (Digital photo)
Middle-class & Smug II (Digital photo)
Amazing How Much They Pay The Bosses, Amazing How Little They Pay The Staff (Digital photo) from the series 'Domestic Detournement'. Click through to find out more about some of the issues around Primark's corporate behaviour.
Not So Brillo Box (Digital photo) from the series 'Auntie Pop' and 'Domestic Détournement'. Coca Cola was named the world’s top plastic polluter in Break Free From Plastic’s report ‘BRANDED Vol III: Demanding Corporate Accountability for Plastic Waste’, (2020). Click to read more.
No Father Christmas (digital photo) Click to read the grim details of Mike Ashley’s appearance in front of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of parliament. During the interview, which exposed many employment law transgressions at Sports Direct’s warehouse, he said: ‘I’m not Father Christmas.’